Tuesday, October 9, 2012

September 6, 2012

I got the privilege of going to The Henry Art Gallery for my first time today. Gary Hill’s pieces were very interesting, at first one of the video seemed like a flashing picture but as I continued watching it proved me wrong. For my Video Studio X class we were told to read a little bit of “New Media in Art” by Michael Rush, in the book it mentions time as a very important piece of video and Gary Hill’s pieces really portrayed its importance. Along with the flashing video I also got to see a video of Gary Hill that seemed to be of him tripping out, but what really got me was that the same video was playing on like 5 different screens except they were each playing at different times. During my creative writing class in high school I learned that repetition can show an importance in something, and for me the videos of him tripping out told me that there is no clear explanation as to what’s going on in the world because we’re all just trying to make sense of what we’re hearing but there is mass confusion because we’re trying to pay attention to so many things at once. Besides Gary Hill’s pieces I really enjoyed all the vinyl pieces that were around, especially the drawn pieces by Taiyo Kimura . It was awesome looking closely at each one mostly because of the idea behind each one, not that the drawings weren’t cool themselves. I’m really excited to know what else we’re going to be seeing in the future!

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