Monday, September 10, 2012

100 interesting things

  1. Religion
  2. Exercise
  3. Lucid dreaming
  4. Meditation
  5. Shoes
  6. Soccer
  7. Strobe lights
  8. Earthquakes
  9. Hurricane
  10. Lightning
  11. The sun
  12. Clouds
  13. Dogs see in black and white
  14. Trees; stationary beings that live long
  15. Birds; migrate
  16. Humans, territorial
  17. Water
  18. Mainstream vs. underground
  19. Pyramids
  20. Aliens
  21. Evolution of storytelling; oral, musical, acting, written, visual, etc
  22. Cartoons
  23. War
  24. Suicide
  25. Cannibalism
  26. Zombies
  27. Gangs
  28. Freedom
  29. Skateboarding
  30. Longboarding
  31. Snowboarding 
  32. Carpe Diem
  33. Surfing
  34. Fishing for food/ for fun
  35. Vision quests
  36. Animals that travel in packs
  37. Hermits
  38. Propaganda
  39. Murder
  40. Extreme joy
  41. Commercials
  42. Photography
  43. Video
  44. Time
  45. Sound
  46. Vibrations
  47. Spiritual entities
  48. Possession
  49. Wigi board
  50. Third eye
  51. All-seeing eye
  52. Creation theories
  53. One God vs Several Gods
  54. Aztecs
  55. Sacrificial rituals for good intentions
  56. Harvest season
  57. Summonings
  58. Death; Grim reaper
  59. Skeletons, bone structures
  60. Repaired broken bones
  61. Santa Clause
  62. Free things
  63. Milk
  64. Cows
  65. Alien abduction
  66. Kidnapping
  67. Slavery
  68. Indentured Servants
  69. Jesus
  70. Heroic sacrifice 
  71. Heaven
  72. Hell
  73. Forbidden tree of knowledge
  74. Serpents
  75. Dragons
  76. Sasquatch
  77. Werewolfs
  78. Vampires
  79. Demons
  80. Satan worshipers
  81. Religious people
  82. Drug abusers
  83. Happiness
  84. Walking without a destination
  85. Love at first sight
  86. Love
  87. Guessing what someone is thinking and being right
  88. Saying something that someone else was thinking
  89. Mental vibrations in the air
  90. Failing
  91. Winning
  92. Somewhere there will always be someone better
  93. Competition
  94. Education
  95. Human Curiosity
  96. Memories
  97. Amnesia
  98. Black outs
  99. Feeling like you know someone you've never met
  100. Fate